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Exerc Sci > Volume 23(2); 2014 > Article
Exercise Science 2014;23(2): 171-179. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2014.23.2.171
세계정상급 국내 남자 유도선수들의 입상성적에 따른 경기력 관련 체력 비교
서태범1, 김태완2, 송홍선3, 김영수2
3국민체육진흥공단 체육과학연구원
Comparative Analysis of World Class National Male Judo Players' Athletic Performance Related Physical Fitness Factors
The purpose of this study is to cross-study the athletic performance related physical fitness factors of National Judo players. The experiment’s subjects were selected from former members of the National Judo team in years between 2003 and 2012. Then, the subjects were categorized into two different groups: those who have won (a) medal(s) in world championships and Olympics games (n=8) and those who have not (n=8). The analysis factors were isokinetic muscular function, muscular strength and muscular endurance of major arthrosis (knee, elbow and trunk joints). The results are as follows. The medal-winner group revealed meaningful superiority (p<.05) in isokinetic muscular function of both left and right knee joint, though it should be noted that the superiority is limited only to the upper arm extensor (%BW). On the other hand, the proportion of ipsilateral muscular strength of both left and right side revealed to be lower in the medalist group (p<.05). The medal-winning group’s isokinetic muscular function of the elbow joint revealed to be higher only in the right side of the upper arm extensor (p<.05). Lastly, the medal winners represented higher isokinetic muscular function of the trunk joint flexors/extensor proportion (p<.05). These results are based on per weight variables (W/kg) muscular strength and muscular endurance recorded by Wingate test. In overall, Wingate tests revealed muscular strength and muscular endurance variable per weight (W/kg) to be meaningfully higher in the medalists group (p<.05). In summary, the existence of meaningful disparity in athletic performance related physical fitness factors between world championship and Olympic game medalists and non-medalists were confirmed. Therefore, this paper concludes that the development and application of meticulously tailored scientific training programs for national Judo players is in need so as to improve key fitness factors and thereby ultimately enhance performance of the National Judo team.
Key words: national Judo players, isokinetic muscular function, anaerobic power
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