
The purpose of this study is to consider Laban’s effort theory in comparisonwith the reasoning of Spinoza, and to analyze the meanings of a psychophysicalparallelistic view in dance art, which appear in common in Laban’s theory andSpinoza’s reasoning. Laban’s effort theory has been used widely not only currently in the dancefield including choreography, education, and therapy, but also in diverse fieldsinvolving play, sports, cultural study, and communication. In the dance studiesfield, it has been composed mostly of realistic contents such as dance education,choreographer analysis, cultural anthropological study, and dance therapy. However, this study conducts a dance aesthetic consideration focusing on thepsychophysical parallelistic view shown in the ideologies of Laban and Spinoza,which have not been studied yet. Laban’s psychophysical parallelistic viewenhanced the meaning of a dancing body by focusing on internal impulse whichtriggers movements. Also, the view added scientific way of thinking to the bodyand movements, and proved that it was able to bring about change in mentalitythrough physical training.


루돌프 라반, 스피노자, 심신평행론, 에포트, 춤추는 신체


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