

중재제도, 동북아시아, 중재법, 중재기관, 중재대상, 중재합의


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  14. [학술지] / The International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber and Industry of the Russia Federation

  15. [학술지] / The Maritime Arbitration Commission At the Chamber and Industry of the Russia Federation

  16. [학술지] / Arbitration Rule of CIETAC

  17. [학술지] / Arbitration Rule of CMAC

  18. [학술지] / Japan International Commercial Arbitration Rule of Japan International Arbitration Association

  19. [학술지] / Japan Maritime Arbitration Rule of Japan shipping Exchange Inc

  20. [학술지] / Japan Construction Arbitration Rule of the Central and Perfectual Tribunal For The Settlement of Construction Work dispute

  21. [학술지] / The Fedrak Law on Arbitration Courts

  22. [학술지] / Law of the Russia Federation on Int'l commercial Arbitration

  23. [학술지] / Arbitration Rule of the Russia Maritime Arbitration Commission