Agric. Econ. - Czech, 2012, 58(4):172-179 | DOI: 10.17221/33/2011-AGRICECON

Economic and legal aspects of the agricultural land market

Jarmila Lazíková1, Ivan Takáč2, ©tefan Buday3
1 Department of Law, Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development, Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra, Slovak Republic
2 Department of European Policies, Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development, Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra, Slovak Republic
3 The Research Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Agricultural land market is usually defined as the purchase of agricultural land. In the most of the European countries, the land rental transactions have received the dominant position in the land market. Therefore, the land rental transactions are included into the agricultural land market analysis. The decision processes of market subjects are often influenced by the law. On the one hand, there is the law regulating the value of agricultural land from the various points of view. On the other hand, there are some statutes stipulating the rental legal rules. The objective of this paper is to analyse the influence of the law on the behaviour of market subjects in the agricultural land market.

Keywords: agricultural land, land market, land transactions, land rent, land legal regulation

Published: April 30, 2012  Show citation

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Lazíková J, Takáč I, Buday ©. Economic and legal aspects of the agricultural land market. Agric. Econ. - Czech. 2012;58(4):172-179. doi: 10.17221/33/2011-AGRICECON.
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