J. For. Sci., 2005, 51(4):147-154 | DOI: 10.17221/4553-JFS

Biomass functions applicable to European beech

E. Cienciala, M. Černý, J. Apltauer, Z. Exnerová
IFER - Institute of Forest Ecosystem Research, Jílové u Prahy, Czech Republic

This material describes parameterization of allometric functions applicable to biomass estimation of European beech trees. It is based on field data from destructive measurements of 20 full-grown trees with diameter at breast height (dbh) from 5.7 to 62.1 cm. The parameterization was performed for total tree aboveground biomass (AB; besides stump), stem and branch biomass, respectively. The allometric functions contained two or three parameters and used dbh either as a single independent variable or in combination with tree height (H). These functions explained 97 to 99% of the variability in the measured AB. The most successful equation was that using both dbh and H as independent variables in combination with three fitted parameters. H, as the second independent variable, had rather a small effect on improving the estimation: in the case of AB, H as independent variable improved prediction accuracy by 1-2% whereas in the case of branch biomass by about 5%. The parameterized biomass equations are applicable to tree specimens of European beech grown in typically managed forests.

Keywords: allometry; aboveground tree biomass; branch; stem; carbon; wood density

Published: April 30, 2005  Show citation

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Cienciala E, Černý M, Apltauer J, Exnerová Z. Biomass functions applicable to European beech. J. For. Sci.. 2005;51(4):147-154. doi: 10.17221/4553-JFS.
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