
The culture is being variously used, as its range of concept expands. Sometimes, to improve the image of the city, traditional culture or something containing potential value of the city is publicized. As the marketing through such culture is used in tourism, recently the cultural tourism attracts public attention as a form of alternative tourism different from mass tourism. Current package tourism make tourists lost their free will and push them only to consume the products, whereas the cultural tourism is reflected the latest social conditions, which want to see, feel and experience the region's culture and history. Nevertheless, even in the cultural tourism, most of tourists see the parts which are the things travel agencies or the media want to be seen due to the marketing elements. In the case of our country, while the local festivals as a field of the cultural tourism combined with cultural elements are used of a means to attract tourists, the cultural tourism festival is the most common type of that kind. Festival is also processed as a product selected from 'meaningful past' or 'traditional culture' of certain region. Of course, something, which has never been related to newly produced festival, is made with adding storytelling work and transplanting cultural value. The city of Busan is now working on the cultural festival of 'Busan International Film Festival' to solidify it as a city image beyond a tourism level. However, now is the time when the infra being able to produce films, not a film city only with its image, has to be established and its own independent programs have to be operated by budgetary independence.


장소마케팅, 관광마케팅, 문화관광, 부산 축제, 도시 이미지 만들기


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