
The purpose of this study is development of ‘F1 in Schools Program’ for elementary school student and validation of the program. Fifteen students were originally chosen from the W elementary school in Cheongju, Chungcheogbuk-Do. The children were tested on their understanding of science and ‘F1 in Schools Program’. After developing the ‘F1 in Schools Program’, it was used in the classroom to evaluate applicability and to examine the responses from students, parents and schools. The program consists of 60 classes and the time of each class is 40 minutes. This study was conducted for 10 days from January 22nd, 2007 to February 2nd, 2007. CAD(Computer Aided Design), CFD(Computation Fluid Dynamics), CAM(Computer Aided manufacturing) and CNC Machine were used in this study and proved to be good materials for students in that they increased the students’ participation and imagination. However, the children’s cognitive and creative abilities as well as manuals written in English hampered the process. Most students, parents, schools seemed to be satisfied with use of the program. However, the schools showed that there was not enough understanding of the program as a whole. The processes with which students build and inspect using the CO₂Model Car not only improves the processing of the model but also enhanced the students scientific understanding related to the car speed.


F1 in schools Program, CO₂Model Car, CAD(Computer Aided Design), CFD(Computation Fluid Dynamics), CAM(Computer Aided Manufacturing), CNC Machine, Technology Education


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