
The purpose of this research is to analyze the educational experiences of competent engineering students and finding the reason why they invest their time and efforts engaging in school activities. Five students with high GPA, high K-CESA scores and successful employment or entrance test scores, participated in the survey and the interview. In checking their responses, their activities’ records were gathered from school DB. According to the modified framework based on the personal investment theory, the interviews, survey and DB records were analyzed on the sense of self, the social cultural environment, and pattern of behaviors in schools. The competent engineering students are able to manage themselves, in maintaining a good relationship with the collegiate, and in having high self-efficiency. They also tend to put effort into their studies and participate in inbound and outbound school activities. At the last part, freshmen foundation, relationship within college, students' activity related future career, economic stability during studies are suggested for supporting students in universities.


Engineering Students, Educational Experience, Personal Investment Theory, Student Support


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