Politická ekonomie 2020, 68(1):86-107 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1278

Limity klasifikace determinant individuální podpory státu blahobytu

Luděk Koubaa
a Mendelova univerzita v Brně, Provozně ekonomická fakulta, Brno, Česká republika

Limits of Classification of Determinants of Individual Support for the Welfare State

Ambiguous terminology as well as causality and a too wide spectrum of determinants on the demand side of the welfare state are the main drawbacks in the literature on the topic. The aim of this paper is to systematise the literature on individual support for the welfare state. Besides clarification of the terminology and argumentation of prevailing causality (informal institutions individual support for the welfare state), the paper underlines the importance of individualist values and beliefs; in particular, individual control over one's own life, which can be based on the psychological concepts of locus of control and self-efficacy and can be empirically tested thanks to the WVS/EVS databases.

Keywords: : welfare state, preferences for redistribution, informal institutions, social trust, locus of control, individualism
JEL classification: B52, E71, I38

Received: March 11, 2019; Revised: November 15, 2019; Accepted: January 14, 2020; Published: March 7, 2020  Show citation

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Kouba, L. (2020). Limits of Classification of Determinants of Individual Support for the Welfare State. Politická ekonomie68(1), 86-107. doi: 10.18267/j.polek.1278
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