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Purpose of the study: The objectives of this study are: (i) To analyze the quality control of the products applied to the amplang Karya Bahari business based on Statistical Quality Control (SQC) tools, (ii) To find out and analyze what factors cause product damage/disability amplang work at the Maritime business in Samarinda.

Methodology: This research uses quantitative methods discretionary quantitative research method that is research that is used to Investigate, find, describe, and explain the quality or features of social influences that can’t be explained or Described measured through a quantitative approach. The operational definitions of this research are (i) Quality control processes, (ii) Quality control measures. Types and sources of the data the primary use of data Obtained directly from the object of research. Data collection techniques are (i) observation, (ii) interviews, (iii) documentation, (iv) laboratory tests. Analysis of the Data used are: (i) collecting the data (check sheet), (ii) a histogram, (iii) making control charts, (iv) the causal diagrams, (v) the proposed improvements.

Main Findings:  The results of the study suggest that Maritime work is applied to the already on the limit of control. It can be seen at chart, upper control limit (UCL) of 1 and the lower control limit (LCL) of 0.3362 under controlled conditions or reasonable limits, but in reality, they are experiencing product damage or defect in the production of amplang processing.

Novelty/Originality of this study: This study is expected to be an additional reference for studies in the field production related to analysis quality control (quality control) and product quality by using Statistics Quality Control. This study is expected to provide information for the company about procedure control in keeping a quality product that will be produced.


Quality Control Maintaining Quality Product Quality Business Marine

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How to Cite
Maulida Arianti, S., Rahmawati, E., & Yulianti Prihatiningrum, R. (2020). PRODUCT QUALITY CONTROL ANALYSIS USING STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL (SQC) ON MARINE WORKS IN BUSINESS AMPLANG SAMARINDA. International Journal of Management, Innovation & Entrepreneurial Research, 6(1), 70–77.


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