A structure-free aggregation framework for vehicular ad hoc networks

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One of the major difficulties for cooperative, decentralized information dissemination in vehicular networks is the heavily varying node density, which can lead to capacity issues of the wireless channel when many vehicles are driving or standing closely together. At the same time, a number of applications do not require exact information from all participating nodes, but higher-level aggregated information. For example, reports on road conditions or on flow of traffic can be aggregated before further dissemination, since remote drivers just need to know a coarse-grained picture of the situation. In this paper, we propose an information aggregation framework using the example of cooperative traffic congestion detection. The difference of our aggregation framework compared to other approaches is that it completely abandons any predefined structures such as grids and any group establishment. First evaluation results show that our approach works well for average speed dissemination on a highway. PDF der Quelle: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=



Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften und Informatik



DFG Project uulm


Standard (Fassung vom 01.10.2008)


Data aggregation, Fuzzy reasoning, VANET, Computer network protocols, Performance, Information dissemination, DDC 004 / Data processing & computer science