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A study of the effects of advertisement stimulations and psychological variables on the consumer's dislike of advertising repetition


This study tries to find the effects of advertisement stimulation variables and consumer's psychological characteristic variables on the consumer's dislike response. For the advertisement variables, type of appeal(reason, emotion, and public interest), notice of advertisement exposure time, and number of advertisement exposure(1 time, 3 times, and 6 times) are used. For the consumer's psychological variables, self assertion, which represents one's characteristics well, and need for cognition are used. This study found that there are significant differences in consumer's dislike of advertisement according to the appeal type and number of exposure. In addition, the exposure of 6 times resulted in stronger consumer dislike of the advertisement than the exposure of 3 times. There is no significant difference in consumer's dislike of advertisement according to the notice of advertisement exposure time. It was also found that there is a relation between advertisement appeal type and number of advertising repetition and consumer's dislike of advertisement. But self assertion and need for cognition do not have any significant effect on the consumer's dislike of advertisement.

Dislike of advertisement, number of exposure to advertisement, advertisement appeal type, consumer's psychological variables



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