Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II
Online ISSN : 2186-9057
Print ISSN : 0026-1165
ISSN-L : 0026-1165
Notes and Correspondence
Inter-Model Differences in the Relationships between Downward Shortwave Radiation and Air Temperatures Derived from Dynamical and Statistical Downscaling Models
Author information

2012 Volume 90B Pages 75-82


This study evaluated the downscaled downward shortwave radiation (Sd) and daily mean, maximum, and minimum surface air temperatures (Tm, Tx, and Tn) over Japan derived from four dynamical models and one statistical model for the period 1985-2004. These variables, Sd, Tm, Tx, and Tn, are often used as input data for impact models, such as crop growth models. Therefore, the evaluation of these variables is essential prior to the application of the downscaled climate data to impact model simulation. All models except for the statistical model remarkably overestimated the Sd throughout the year, whereas the area-averaged seasonal change of the temperature variables was accurately simulated. On the other hand, the statistical model accurately simulated the area-averaged seasonal change of Sd and temperatures. These tendencies were also observed for the area- and time-averaged values. The inconsistency found for dynamical models in the relationship between the Sd bias and each of the temperature variable biases is attributed to the large inter-model differences, such as the difference of the radiation scheme, the sub-grid scale cloud parameterization, and the land surface scheme.

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© 2012 by Meteorological Society of Japan
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