
Suh, Kil-soo. “The Duality of Macbeth.” Studies on English Language & Literature. 33.4 (2007): 37-52. Macbeth is a man honored by his countrymen for his courage in defense of his land. As the play goes on, however, Macbeth becomes ambitious and murderous. Macbeth is both noble Macbeth and devilish Macbeth: good and evil parts are mingled in him. Such a tension between good and evil impulses is conspicuous throughout the play. Macbeth is also caught between his noble and ignoble qualities. Finally, although Macbeth is evil, he provides us with a sense of human greatness. In his speeches, we have the most positive thing of all to set against a sense of human evil. In this respect, by examining the duality in Macbeth’s nature, we have come to see the deepening of Shakespeare’s tragic consciousness. (Taeshin University)


Macbeth, duality, tragic consciousness, good and evil, human greatness


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