
In Action, Sam Shepard experiments with different methods to achieve a stable identity through three characters Shooter’s, Jeep’s, and Lupe’s existential searches. Jeep uses the images he learned from his culture in understanding and evaluating everything and everyone around him. Shooter attempts to deny his present identity and to construct a new one by denying his own memories. However, he cannot eliminate his own self-perception which asserts the continuity of his own mind. Finally, Lupe tries to find her own self and her place in the world through her observation of the other characters. However, they cannot present her any meaningful way to find her place, and Lupe’s attempt fails. In this play, Shepard’s approach to the problem of identity in close relation with vision and visual elements should be understood in the context of the twentieth-century visual culture in general.


American Drama, Sam Shepard, Action, Identity, Vision


  1. [단행본] DeRose, David J / 1992 / Twayne’s United States Authors Series, No.612 / Twayne Publishers

  2. [단행본] Gilman, Richard / 1986 / Introduction, Seven Plays. Sam Shepard / Bantam Books : 20 ~ 21

  3. [단행본] Mirzoeff,Nicholas / 1998 / The Visual Culture Reader / Routledge

  4. [단행본] Oumano,Ellen / 1986 / Sam Shepard:The Life and Work of an American Dreamer / St.Martin’s Press

  5. [단행본] Shepard, Sam / 1984 / Action. Fool For Love and Other Plays. With an Introduction by Ross Wetzsteon / Bantam Books

  6. [단행본] Shepard, Sam / 1981 / Language, Visualization and the Inner Library , American Dreams: The Imagination of Sam Shepard / Bonnie Marranca. New York: Performing Arts Journal Publications

  7. [단행본] Shepard, Sam / 1984 / Suicide in B Flat. Fool For Love and Other Plays. With an Introduction by Ross Wetzsteon / Bantam Books

  8. [단행본] Wilshire, Bruce / 1991 / Role Playing and Identity: The Limits of Theatre as Metaphor. Series of Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy / Indiana UP