
Kang, Jun-soo. “The Zoo Story: The Recognition of Reality Through Interaction.” Studies in English Language & Literature. 37.4 (2011): 1-18. Peter lives a passive and mechanical life. Even Peter’s life is alienated from his family. Peter is unable to insist on his own thought. So Peter can’t keep truthful interaction with others. For experiencing truthful contact, Jerry who already recognized the necessity for truthful contact with others to overcome alienated life tries to convince Peter of the importance of contact which symbolizes the possibility about salvation. Nevertheless, Peter does not open his mind easily. Continually, Jerry tries to show Peter the reality by telling stories about a dog he contacted at the house and about his visit to a zoo. However, Peter tries to keep his bench, which has been Peter’s nest. Finally, Jerry throws himself to the knife for attempting bodily contact. Jerry succeeds in contacting with Peter and liberating him from the bench through his self-sacrifice. Albee presents the necessity of awakening from the reality in order to escape from isolation and of sacrifice for truthful contact with each other. In the end of this play, Peter suddenly awakens to the reality of the situation and yells that Jerry is mad. This scene represents the possibility of change of Peter’s attitude toward life. He will not avoid the recognition of reality any longer. In conclusion, Albee asserts that the only way to overcome and improve isolated life is contact and sacrifice for each other. Albee is sure that there is still a ray of hope to improve absurd human situation by experiencing contact with each other and sacrifice for each other. (BEDU Lifelong Education Institutions)


interaction, contact, the recognition of reality, self-sacrifice, a ray of hope


  1. [단행본] Albee, Edward / 2004 / The Zoo Story. The Collected Plays of Edward Albee / The Overlook P

  2. [학술지] Albee, Edward / 1961 / An interview / The New York Times

  3. [단행본] Amacher, Richard E. / 1982 / Edward Albee / Twayne P

  4. [단행본] Anderson, Mary / 1983 / Ritual and initiation in the Zoo Story, Edward Albee: An Interview and Essays / Univ. of St. Thomas P : 95

  5. [학술지] Bonnet, Robert B. / 1977 / Tragic Vision in the Zoo Story / Modern Drama 20 : 484 ~ 496

  6. [단행본] Cohn, Ruby / 1969 / Edward Albee / Minnesota UP

  7. [단행본] C.W.E. Bigsby / 1969 / Confrontation and Commitment / Oliver and Boyd

  8. [단행본] Debusscher, Gilbert / 1967 / Edward Albee: Tradition & Renewal / Americans Studies Center

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