Resiliency and Regeneration in the Pannonian Region of Hungary: Towards a Circular Economy

Hillary Brown (1)
(1) Spitzer School of Architecture, City University of New York, United States, United States


Using systems thinking and ecologically-reflexive planning, this study examines conceptual opportunities for resilience and regeneration of the historic northwestern Hungarian municipality of Kőszeg and its surrounding bio-region. It will explain how the town and bio-region's socio-cultural and socio-technical systems —its historic heritage coupled with existing and new industrial, commercial, and infrastructural services (energy, water, sanitation, and waste)—can be placed into a regional development scheme that optimizes the vitality and resiliency of these collective systems, following the principles of a circular economy. This study assessed opportunities for Kőszeg, as one example in the region; to revitalize its economy and its local environment based upon attaining a high level of integration among its multi-dimensional resources. Conceptual strategies for practical solutions to town and bio-regional revitalization and resiliency are discussed.

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Hillary Brown
[email protected] (Primary Contact)
Brown, H. (2018). Resiliency and Regeneration in the Pannonian Region of Hungary: Towards a Circular Economy. Environmental Science & Sustainable Development, 3(2), 2–13.

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