
In 1835, quickly after the Cambodian king Ang Chan died, Vietnamese emperor Minh Mang started to proceed his ambition to grab the territory of Cambodia. As the first step, he stationed big forces led by Truong Minh Giang in Phnom Phen, and appointed the Ang Chan's second daughter, Mei, as the successor of her father but with the humble title of Chan Lap Quan Chu, or the Prefecture sovereign of Cambodia. This article discusses the ways how the Vietnamese leaders manipulated the status of the Cambodian queen with each step of protection, assimilation, and finally a rupture. The author seeks for Vietnamese own theory of annexation in the process. In doing so, the author claims that Vietnamese tough policy of annexation was closely interwoven with the unequal relationship between the Vietnamese emperors and the Cambodian queen, i. e. men and woman. The first chapter discusses how and why the second daughter was chosen, and what in reality the status of the queen was under the protection of Vietnamese general Truong Minh Giang. Second chapter shows how much Mei was bullied by the Vietnamese. She was kidnapped to Vietnam, and was even regarded by the Cambodian people that she became the 'lover' or the 'concubine' of the general Truong Minh Giang. Third chapter deals with Vietnam's retreat forced by the Cambodian resistance together with the Thai intervention, and discusses how much Vietnam tried to maintain its authority over Cambodia through the queen Mei. Cambodia, in the 19th century, was a experimental place for the 'mission of civilization' from the side of Vietnam. Mei was a main character in this period from the beginning to the end. The conclusion of this article stresses that the desire of Vietnam ('civilized') to assimilate Cambodia ('barbarious') was strengthened by the psychology of the male master (Vietnam) to domesticate the female subject (Cambodia). The relationship between Vietnam and Cambodia was not only political but also gender oriented. In this epic, the existence of the queen Mei should be regarded as an important key to understanding of the Vietnamese theory for the annexation of Cambodia.


민 망, 캄보디아, 티에우 찌, 메이, 쯔엉 민 장, 보호진랍, 진서장군, 두앙


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