Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Psychology, Semnan branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran

2 Ph.D. Candidate of Psychology, University lecturer of Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr Branch, Iran


The current study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of Pygmalion effect-based education of teachers on the students’ self-efficacy and academic engagement. The study is quasi-experimental (pretest-posttest with control group). The statistical population of this study includes all students of first and second grades of high schools in Semnan in 2018-2019Thirty students were selected through multi-level cluster sampling method and after filling the written consent out, they answered General Sherer Self-efficacy questionnaire as well as Academic Engagement Questionnaire of Schaufeli et al. The experimental intervention (education based on Pygmalion effect) was only implemented for the teachers of the experimental group during 10 sessions of 60 minutes. After finishing the educational program, both groups took posttest. The obtained results of data analysis, using covariance analysis, showed that education based on Pygmalion effect for teachers affect students’ self-efficacy as well as their academic engagement. It can be concluded that teaching Pygmalion effect-basedto teachers training session could lead to more self-efficient and academically engaged generation. 


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