Quarterly Publication

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D Candidate, Public Management,Department of Public Management , Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran, Email: tavakoli_sa@nigc.ir

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran, Email: f_haghshenas@iauctb.ac.ir

3 Associate Professor,Department of Public Management , Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran, Email: Ali.Amirkabiri@iauctb.ac.ir


Despite numerous upstream communications, there is still no comprehensive and reliable model for implementing these tasks, neither in the literature nor in the oil and gas industry. Previously developed models focus more on the outsourcing process. It seems that no outsourcing model has been developed to utilize internal capabilities in a portfolio of alliances and be compatible with the unique characteristics of Iran’s oil and gas industry. In an attempt to validate the components of the “model of development outsourcing physical assets in the oil and gas industry, with the approach of upgrading internal capacity”, this study used a questionnaire in a Likert scale (very high, high, moderate, low, and very low). One hundred two people participated, and 100 completed questionnaires were received from the population. The validity of the variables and the questionnaire were examined using confirmatory factor analysis. SPSS and Smart PLS software packages were used in this research, and the error probability level (α) was considered 0.05. The results showed that the model has a good fit. According to the Geiser index, the fit of the model was medium to high, and the goodness of fit criterion was equal to 461.0, indicating the optimal fit of the model


Main Subjects

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