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International Journal Of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM)

The Relationship between Leadership Style and Employee Commitment: A Study of Public Sectors in Erbil

Hayat Essa

International Journal of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM), Vol-4,Issue-6, November - December 2020, Pages 95-108 ,

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Leadership style has frequently been deemed as one of the crucial aspects that be able to improve employees’ commitment and it is viewed as the live wire for the achievement of governmental objectives.Out of the total population, 500 respondents remained chosen for the model size through the use of simple random sampling technique. A structured four Likert scale questionnaire was design to elicit information from the respondents. Content validity was adopted to ascertain the strength of the instrument designed for this study while the Cronbach’s alpha of 0.76 showed the reliability of the questionnaire. Out of the 500 questionnaires administered 456 were found valid and used for the analysis. The revision used descriptive and inferential statistics to test the hypotheses. The results showed that the strongest relationship is between relationship between transactional leadership and affective commitment, and the weakest relationship is between transformational leadership and continuous commitment.

leadership styles, Public Sectors, Employee commitment, Erbil.

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