Shortcuts to Adiabaticity in Driven Open Quantum Systems: Balanced Gain and Loss and Non-Markovian Evolution

Sahar Alipour1, Aurelia Chenu2,3, Ali T. Rezakhani4, and Adolfo del Campo2,3,5

1QTF Center of Excellence, Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University, P. O. Box 11000, FI-00076 Aalto, Espoo, Finland
2Donostia International Physics Center, E-20018 San Sebastián, Spain
3IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, E-48013 Bilbao, Spain
4Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran 14588, Iran
5Department of Physics, University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA 02125, USA

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A universal scheme is introduced to speed up the dynamics of a driven open quantum system along a prescribed trajectory of interest. This framework generalizes counterdiabatic driving to open quantum processes. Shortcuts to adiabaticity designed in this fashion can be implemented in two alternative physical scenarios: one characterized by the presence of balanced gain and loss, the other involves non-Markovian dynamics with time-dependent Lindblad operators. As an illustration, we engineer superadiabatic cooling, heating, and isothermal strokes for a two-level system, and provide a protocol for the fast thermalization of a quantum oscillator.

We introduce a universal scheme to engineer shortcut to adiabaticity (STA) in arbitrary open quantum systems. Our work provides a generalization of the counter-diabatic driving technique to open quantum processes. To this end, we consider the evolution of a quantum system described by a mixed state along a prescribed trajectory of interest. We then find the equation of motion that generates the desired dynamics. The latter can be recast in terms of the nonlinear evolution of a system in the presence of balanced gain and loss. Alternatively, the dynamics can be associated with a non-Markovian master equation with time-dependent Lindblad operators, whose explicit form is determined by the prescribed trajectory. We demonstrated this framework by discussing the controlled open quantum dynamics of a two-level system and a driven quantum oscillator.

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The above citations are from Crossref's cited-by service (last updated successfully 2024-06-09 03:56:07) and SAO/NASA ADS (last updated successfully 2024-06-09 03:56:08). The list may be incomplete as not all publishers provide suitable and complete citation data.

1 thought on “Shortcuts to Adiabaticity in Driven Open Quantum Systems: Balanced Gain and Loss and Non-Markovian Evolution

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