
This paper aims to illuminate the changes and results of Russian trade policies toward Great Britain. The Russian government offered many privileges to the English merchants trading with Russia in the eighteenth century. They made up roughly a half of Russia's total export and activated the russian economy, giving the credit to the Russian merchants. But when they held a hegemony in the Russian trade, the Russian government adopted policies of containment toward Great Britain. It abolished some privileges enjoyed by the English merchants in the Russian trade. Their privileges were transferred to other the foreign merchants. Paul I put an embargo on the British ships and Alexander I discontinued trades with Great Britain, participating in the Napoleonic Continental Blockade. Great Britain was in need of the raw materials and semi-manufactured products from Russia for her own industrial growth as well as ship-building. But the English merchants began to look for the substitutes for the raw materials from Russia, as the prices on the Russian goods rapidly soared, and the trade conditions became more difficult during the latter part of the eighteenth century. In general Great Britain succeeded in the development of the Canadian forests and could increase the self-production of iron and linen, although she was not in a position to rid her reliance on the Russian commodities. In case of hemp and flax Great Britain was unsuccessful in finding out the substitutes for the Russian ones, but could get these precious raw materials by using the neutral ships. The Russian policies of containment toward Great Britain were not to increase its own commercial ships, not to open up the new markets overseas, but to strip from the English merchant of the privileges in Russia. In the result Russian trade policies coincided in aristocratic class.


무역정책, 러영 무역, 러시아 가격


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