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고전소설 교육을 위한 <열녀춘향수절가> 구성의 오행적 원리 연구


Interpreting 'Yulneochunhyang soojulga' through the use of Wuxing's Principle Jang, Soon Hee Major in Korean Education Graduate School of Education Pusan National University Abstract This study is based on the novel 'Wanjoo edition of <Yulneochunhyang soojulga>' The aim of the study is to find a way of understanding in the the classic Korean novel and contents to study, so this search is to analyze and interpret this novel as a text by using the Wuxing's Principle. The study assumes that a way of understanding and explaining the literary work is through the principle itself. In the novel they fit well together as a couple. This is well expressed in the Sibjangga(thrashing 10 times song), at the peak of Chunhyang's resistance against Byunhakdo (Mongryong's rival). The relationship between Chunhyang and Mongryong is not a simple union but a destined one, according to the Wuxing's Principle, which theorises on the combination of the five elements of the earth (metal, wood, water, fire and earth). From this idea I will analyze the novel, looking from the perspective of the Yin-Yang using the Wuxing's Principle. Going further into Chunhyangjeon's plot, the relationship between the two characters (susangmok) can be seen from two different standpoints; individual and social. From the individual susangmok standpoint, Sung Chunhyang achieved her desire by devoting herself to only one man, even though she knew she would be punished for it, and in turn Lee Mongryong helped her achieve her desire by saving her from the evil governor Byunhakdo. From the standpoint of the social susangmok, Lee Mongryong belonged to the upper classes of old Korea, as he was the son of a governor, and Sung Chunhyang was a commoner who was associated with the lower classes of society. Despite this, they fell in love, and eventually, he saved her (as water saves tree) and helped her achieve her desire of being together with him. The Wuxing's Principle, in this case, shows that susangmok can overcome many obstacles. The contents of this study are taken from Korean Education Theory, by Lee Daegyu. They are as follows: 1) The concept of the Yin-Yang Wuxing through conceptual knowledge. 2) The interaction, antipathy and the comparison of the story and the elements using the Wuxing's Principle as the assumption of the relationship between the two protagonists. 3) Searching for the elements of the Wuxing's Principle in the novel and showing how the elements affect the characters' lives. These contents will contribute to improving the original education contents, and show a different way of understanding the classic Korean novel. This research uses the Wuxing's Principle which was a way of thinking in the times the novel was written. It will be a new attempt in an indepenent literature education of culture succession by adapting as the text and analyzing it using our Korean way of thinking, the Wuxing's Principl. Therefore this reach will present a new direction in the Korean literary curriculum.



- 목 차 -

Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 접근 시각과 방법 3

Ⅱ. 오행의 사유체계 7
1. 오행의 개념과 분류 7
2. 오행의 상호작용 10

Ⅲ. 水生木의 춘향전 구성 14
1. 水 또는 木으로서의 인물 설정 14
2. 水生木 緣分의 사건 전개 23
3. 水生木의 주제 형성 30

Ⅳ. 오행 사유체계의 교육적 활용 35
1. 고전소설 교육을 위한 학습 목표 35
2. 문학교육에서의 의의 40

Ⅴ. 결론 42

참고문헌 44

Abstract 49

<표 차례>
[표 1] 오행분류체계 9

<그림 차례>
[그림 1] 오행의 상생상극 10
[그림 2] 오성도설 12
[그림 3] 오행의 상호작용을 본 춘향전의 인물 관계도 24
[그림 4] 춘향의 욕망 구조 27
