검색 상세

음란(淫亂)을 모티브로 한 미술의 새로운 모색 : - 권기남 작품을 중심으로 -

A New Search for Art with an Obscene Motive


Abstract This study set out to investigate what obscenity was to figure out why it was so prevalent in modern society. The investigator would make works to criticize commercialization of sex in modern society and understand the flow of the times with the female body as a material. The study would explain about the backgrounds of obscenity in South Korea and examine researches on the eroticism of Georges Albert Maurice Bataille and the sex discourse of Paul Michel Foucault in philosophy, thus figuring out what the philosophical concepts of the investigator's works would try to talk about. The investigator would search for directions for his works based on his investigation into the works of artists what were ahead of their times in dealing with social taboos appropriately with the female body. Those artists include Gustave Courbet, a realism artist of France in the 19th century and Jeff Koons, an American kitsch artist in the 20th century. The investigator would explain how he was influenced by their works and examine the position of his works in the art history. Those research efforts would allow him to define his work activities so far and find directions for his future works and development based on them.



서론 ···············································································1

1. 연구목적 및 배경 ·······················································1
2. 연구방법과 절차 ························································5

Ⅰ. 음란에 관한 이론적 배경 ·············································7

1. 한국문화에서의 음란과 금기 ··········································7
2. 철학사에서의 음란과 금기 ·············································9
2.1. 에로티즘과 음란의 관계 : 조르주 바타이유(Georges Albert
Maurice Victor Bataille) ·······································10
2.2. 성의 담론화에 대한 탐구 : 미셀 푸코(Michel Foucault) ···17

Ⅱ. 선행 작가 연구를 통한 에로틱 이미지 분석 ·················23

1. 미술사에서의 에로티즘의 역사 ······································24
2. 구스타브 쿠르베(Jean -Desire Gustave Courbet)의 작품 –
세계의 기원(L`Origine du monde) ·································23
3. 제프쿤스(Jeff Koons)의 작품 – 메이드 인 헤븐(Made in
Heaven) ································································26

Ⅲ. 연구 작품 분석 ·························································29

1. 반복과 강조의 회화 ···················································29
2. 욕망발현의 영상미술 ··················································34
3. 금기를 말하는 설치미술 ··············································36

결론 ··············································································43

도판목록 ········································································47

참고문헌 ········································································49

Abstract ········································································51
