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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access November 4, 2012

Analyzing stereotypes of creating graphical user interfaces

  • Michaela Bačíková EMAIL logo and Jaroslav Porubän
From the journal Open Computer Science


A graphical user interface (GUI, UI) is an important part of an application, with which users interact directly. It should be implemented in the best way with respect to understandability. If a user does not understand the terms in the UI, he or she cannot work with it; then the whole system is worthless. In order to serve well the UI should contain domain-specific terms and describe domain-specific processes. It is the primary source for domain analysis right after domain users and experts. Our general goal is to propose a method for an automatic domain analysis of user interfaces. First, however, the basic principles and stereotypes must be defined that are used when creating user interfaces and rules must be derived for creating an information extracting algorithm. In this paper these stereotypes are listed and analyzed and a set of rules for extracting domain information is created. A taxonomy of UIs and a taxonomy of components based on their domain-specific information is also proposed. Our DEAL method for extracting this information is outlined and a prototype of DEAL is presented. Also our goals for the future are listed: expanding the prototype for different components and different types of UIs.

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Published Online: 2012-11-4
Published in Print: 2012-10-1

© 2012 Versita Warsaw

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