From social area analysis to social space monitoring

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From social area analysis to social space monitoring

Evolution of a quantitative spatial analysis method

Pohl, Thomas; Ott, Tim

From the journal GZ Geographische Zeitschrift, Volume 107, December 2019, issue 4

Published by Franz Steiner Verlag

article, 9287 Words
Original language: German
GZ 2019, pp 282-304


In recent years many German cities have introduced a social space monitoring at a small urban scale in response to increasing social inequalities. The methodology behind the monitoring is based upon human ecology studies at the Chicago School. Originally being used as a scientific method to study social segregation, the social space monitoring has evolved into an instrument of applied spatial observation aimed at identifying opportunities for political intervention. Using the example of Hamburg, this paper explores the further development of the methodology including adjustments in the selection of indicators made in the past. Furthermore, the attention is drawn to the changing epistemological interest and purpose of use of socio-spatial analysis. The authors conclude that currently there is a deficit of accompanying scientific research on social space monitorings and the elaboration of corresponding political intervention strategies.

Author information

Thomas Pohl

Tim Ott


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