Vol. 92
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Directive EM Radiation of a Line Source in the Presence of a Coated PEMC Circular Cylinder
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 92, 91-102, 2009
Electromagnetic scattering of a line source from a perfect electromagnetic conductor (PEMC) circular cylinder coated with double positive (DPS) material or double negative (DNG) material is investigated theoretically. The response of the coated PEMC circular cylinder is observed and it is noted that how the results obtained for this configuration differ from those of a coated perfect electric conductor (PEC) circular cylinder. It is assumed that both the PEMC cylinder and the coating layer are infinite along the cylinder axis. The comparison of directivity of coated PEMC cylinder and coated PEC cylinder is presented.
Shakeel Ahmed, and Qaisar Naqvi, "Directive EM Radiation of a Line Source in the Presence of a Coated PEMC Circular Cylinder," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 92, 91-102, 2009.

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