158 files

Tetrode optic flow track, supporting "Distance-tuned neurons drive specialized path integration calculations in medial entorhinal cortex"

posted on 2021-07-28, 22:11 authored by Lisa GiocomoLisa Giocomo, Malcolm G. Campbell
Data presented here is part of the study "Distance-tuned neurons drive specialized path integration calculations in medial entorhinal cortex" ( It consists of recordings of MEC neurons in mice while mice are running down a virtual linear track. Recordings were performed with tetrodes. Furthermore, cells were characterized while mice were freely foraging in an open field environment. For more details, see "Principles governing the integration of landmark and self-motion cues in entorhinal cortical codes for navigation" by Campbell et al, ( Detailed description of data below.

Each .mat file corresponds to data from one cell recorded in one session.

The titles are structured as follows:

For example,

Inside each .mat file is a structure called celldata, which has the following fields:

unique_id: Unique ID of the cell
mouse: Mouse name
session: Session name
cell: Tetrode and cluster of the cell
session_type: Session type
speed_cutoff: Speed cutoff used to compute firing rate maps, in cm/s
track_length: Length of the track, in cm
track_start: Location of the start of the track, in cm
track_end: Location of the end of the track, in cm
binsize: Size of the spatial bin for firing rate maps, in cm
nbins: Number of spatial bins in the firing rate map
binedges: Edges of the spatial bins for the firing rate maps, in cm
numblocks: Number of blocks
ws: Structure with whole session data, explained below
bl: Structure with data split by trial blocks (ignore this for optic flow data)
of_data: Structure with statistics computed from open field recordings from the same cell. Cells were matched manually by matching waveforms between open field and VR recordings.

The ws ("whole session") structure has the following fields, all computed from VR data:

posx: Position of the mouse on the VR track in each time bin
post: Time of each time bin, in seconds
lickx: Lick locations
lickt: Lick time stamps
trialt: Start time of each trial, in seconds
trial: Current trial of each time bin
trialtype: Type of each trial
trialgainvalues: VR gain of each trial
recording_length: Recording length in seconds
dt: Length of each VR frame, in seconds
trialblock: Trialblock number of each time bin
blocktype: Type of each trial block
blockgain: VR gain of each trial block
trialsperblock: Number of trials per block
gain: VR gain of each time bin
vrspeed: VR speed at each time bin (in VR cm/sec)
realspeed: Real speed at each time bin (VR speed/gain) (in cm/sec)
meanspeed: Mean real speed in the session (cm/sec)
posx_filt: Same as posx, but filtered to only include time bins above the speed threshold
post_filt: Same as post, but filtered to only include time bins above the speed threshold
trial_filt: Same as trial, but filtered to only include time bins above the speed threshold
trialblock_filt: Same as trialblock, but filtered to only include time bins above the speed threshold
gain_filt: Same as gain, but filtered to only include time bins above the speed threshold
dt_filt: Same as dt, but filtered to only include time bins above the speed threshold
spike_t: Spike times
spike_idx: Time bin index for each spike
spike_t_filt: Spike times, filtered to only include spikes when speed was above the speed threshold
spike_idx_filt: Time bin index for each spike, filtered to only include spikes when speed was above the speed threshold

The bl ("block") structure is analogous to the ws structure but split by trial blocks, e.g. with different VR gain. This is irrelevant for optic flow data.

The of_data structure has the following fields, all computed from matched open field data (see Methods of Campbell et al. 2018 for description of how they were computed):

grid_score: Grid score
border_score: Border score
hd_score: Head direction score
speed_score: Speed score
mean_rate: Mean firing rate
stability: Spatial stability
coherence: Spatial coherence
coverage: Percentage of open field box covered (percent of bins)
box_size: Length of the edge of the square open field box, in cm


Research Institution(s)

Stanford University

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