Observation and Numerical Simulation of Melt Pool Dynamic and Beam Powder Interaction During Selective Electron Beam Melting




Scharowsky, T.
Baureiβ, A.
Singer, R.F.
Körner, C.

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University of Texas at Austin


Selective electron beam melting (SEBM) is an additive manufacturing method used to produce complex parts in a layer-by-layer process utilizing Ti6Al4V powder. To improve the very good properties of built parts even more and to use the full capacity of the process, the fundamental understanding of the beam powder interaction is of essential relevance. Numerical simulations and observation with a high speed camera of powder melting show the strong melt pool dynamic and its lateral extent clearly. Furthermore, the immediate effect of beam parameters, e.g. beam current and velocity, on the melting behavior of the powder can be resolved in time steps of a few milliseconds.


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