Usefulness Study of Rosenstein and Eckmann Procedures for Identification of Chaotic Time Series


  • D. Hallmann Akademia Morska w Gdyni, Morska 81-87, 81–225 Gdynia, Wydział Elektryczny, Katedra Elektroenergetyki Okrętowej
  • P. Jankowski Akademia Morska w Gdyni, Morska 81-87, 81–225 Gdynia, Wydział Elektryczny, Katedra Elektroenergetyki Okrętowej



chaos, time series, Lyapunov exponent


This paper presents the results of simulation tests using the Eckmann and Rosenstein procedures for calculating Lyapunov exponents based on a time series. For verifying and evaluating the suitability of these procedures as a reference time series, points generated by logistic mapping for which the trajectory of Lyapunov's coefficients is known was applied.


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How to Cite

Hallmann, D., & Jankowski, P. (2018). Usefulness Study of Rosenstein and Eckmann Procedures for Identification of Chaotic Time Series. Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, (103), 120–136.


