
This study is about the strife patterns in modern fashion and the characteristics inherent in them. The study was aimed at offering the basic materials to develop the creative design that can show various visual expression effects. In terms of method, the study was led by the analysis of documents; domestic and foreign fashion, collection magazines etc were used to analyze the strife patterns in modern fashion. According to the findings, the study used the rearrangement of the strife patterns at the same intervals, the arrangement of different strife patterns within one single item, the hybrid arrangement of strife patterns and different patterns, and the use of strife patterns for a certain part of clothing for the purse of emphasis or decoration. First, the characteristics inherent in such strife patterns showed clear simplicity using the same repetition of simple lines or the two colors of black and white. Second, strife patterns changed silhouettes by causing optical illusion, and showed the rhythm effects, such as swelling, wave or movement by distorting and controlling lines or forms. Third, based on irregular intervals or multi-strife, the concept of unclear disharmony and inconsistency was shown with the beauty of hybridharmony by blending various strife patterns with each other, or strife patterns with different patterns, and thus expressing composite images.


Key words: stripe pattern(스트라이프 패턴), simplicity(단순성), movement(율동성), hybridity(혼성성)


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