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키르기즈 유목민의 일생의례와 말

Kyrgyz nomads’ rites of passages and horses

약어 : CAS
2013 vol.18, no.1, pp.129 - 155
DOI : 10.29174/cas.2013.18.1.005
발행기관 : 중앙아시아학회
연구분야 : 역사학
Copyright © 중앙아시아학회
81 회 열람

The mainrites of passages of the Kyrgyz nomads include the cradle, sunnot toi (ritual of circumcision), wedding, funeral, and memorial rituals. Each of these rituals features characteristics of the nomads’ way of life. Horses, sheep, goats, and yak provide the meat and milk used in these rituals, while horses play other important roles. This study examines the role and significance of horses in Kyrgyz nomads’ rites of passages. In the ritual of laying a new‐born child in a cradle, the cradle is a substitute for the horse’s back.These nomads believe that Umai‐Ene (the earth goddess) is present at the ritual and that the health of the baby will be protected with the holy power of the horse (symbolized by a cradle). The ritual circumcision of male babies has a symbolic meaning as the first ritual that distinguishes the roles of males and females in society. After undergoing this ritual, male babies are accepted as crucial components of the nomadic society,and can henceforth own horses. The ritual is supposed to symbolize the baby’s proper entry into the nomadic life, with the emphasis onthe skillful handling of horses. As is the casepretty much everywhere else, the wedding is a ritual that celebrates the start of a new and hopefully prolific family. The wedding serves as an occasion that completes the cycle of a patriarchal nomadic family, with the usual accompaniment of horses. Among Kyrgyz nomads, the tradition of the bridegroom paying kalym (the price paid for the bride) is still kept. Women were regarded as objects to be traded in a traditional nomadic society. A bride was compelled to make an oral oath that she would take good care of her husband’s horses. Even in the funeral ritual, horses are important. In the past, a horse would be buried alive along with its master’s dead body. Nowadays, a feature of this age‐old tradition remains. Sometimes a favorite horse is killed upon the death of its master, or horsehair is hung on a pole to mark the tomb. The nomadsalso prepare horse meat for a memorial ceremony to representthe wish that the deceased may be accompanied into the afterlife by a horse. As noted above, Kyrgyz nomadic life starts with horses. A horse is one of the most important elements ofthis nomadic life. Males are required to handle their horses skillfully. Diverse horse‐associated plays and games have also developed over time, as well as horse‐related religions. Life without horses is unthinkable for the Kyrgyz nomads. Furthermore, theybelieve that horses have their own sacred rights, in addition to being important livestock. Besides being a convenient means of transportation, horses are life partners. Such a pattern will not change as long as they maintain their nomadic way of life.

키르기즈스탄, 키르기즈, 유목, 유목민, 말, 일생의례, 요람의례, 할례, 결혼, 신부값(칼름), 장례, 추모의례, 콕 보루(Kok Boru), 키즈 쿠우(Kyz kuu), 바이게(Bayge)
Kyrgyzstan; Kyrgyz nomads; nomadic life; rites of passages; horses; cradle ritual; sunnot toi (ritual of circumcision); wedding; kalym (the price paid for the bride); funeral; memorial ritual; Kok Boru (Horse Game); Kyz kuu (National Horse Game); Bayge(Horse racing)

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