Value engineering approach for construction materials selection of irrigation drainage

Case study on project of DAS irrigation drainage improvement at Cengcengan River in Gianyar


  • Made Sudiarsa Department of Civil Engineering, Bali State Polytechnic, Indonesia
  • Wayan Sudiasa Department of Civil Engineering, Bali State Polytechnic, Indonesia
  • Ketut Sutapa Department of Civil Engineering, Bali State Polytechnic, Indonesia


Construction design, Construction materials, Cost savings, Function, Value engineering


In this globalization era, many alternative choices of construction materials. The limited funds available make engineers have to think creatively to choose materials used in order to obtain the cost as efficiently as possible. There are many ways to do the cost efficiency of the project, one of them by doing value engineering. The construction design selection is very important to do because it can show the project quality, as well as produce the development with an efficient and optimal cost. The value engineering approach in the construction field is an organized and creative approach aimed at identifying unnecessary costs. These unnecessary costs are costs that do not provide quality or usability/functionality. The value engineering application is to construct projects has considerable potential savings from the project budget. This study aims to obtain cost savings made during the design phase and irrigation drainage project implementation. The scope of the study in the present study is the wall project on the DAS irrigation drainage improvement at Cengcengan River in Sukawati, Gianyar. This analysis uses the steps of value engineering plan, i.e., information, creative, analysis, development, and recommendation steps. Whereas, the criteria used to evaluate the components/systems included aspects of cost, quality, implementation time, methods, mobilization, availability, and aesthetics.


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How to Cite

Sudiarsa, M., Sudiasa, W., & Sutapa, K. (2018). Value engineering approach for construction materials selection of irrigation drainage: Case study on project of DAS irrigation drainage improvement at Cengcengan River in Gianyar. International Journal of Physical Sciences and Engineering, 2(1), 35–46.



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