Optimasi Cluster Pada Data Stunting: Teknik Evaluasi Cluster Sum of Square Error dan Davies Bouldin Index

Deny Jollyta, Syahril Efendi, Muhammad Zarlis, Herman Mawengkang


The clusters number optimization problem is a problem that still requires continuous research so that the information produced can be a consideration. Cluster evaluation techniques with Sum of Square Error (SSE) and Davies Bouldin Index (DBI) are techniques that can evaluate the number of clusters from a data test. Research with these two techniques utilizes Stunting data from a number of regions in Indonesia. The result is information on stunting data which is formed from the optimal number of clusters where the largest SSE is formed at k = 5 and the smallest DBI is formed at k = 5, with values of 23.403 and 1,178 respectively. Changes in the number of clusters also influence the information produced and DBI is proven to produce optimal number of clusters that contain information with a better pattern because it has a small intra-cluster value. It is expected that the results of this study can show the performance of the two evaluation techniques in producing the optimal number of clusters so that grouping information is in accordance with the expected pattern.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30645/senaris.v1i0.100


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