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Owner: Tsung-han Weng
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Paper Title: Habitus, Ideologies, and Actions: Working-Class and Middle-Class Chinese Immigrant Families' Language Policy in the Midwestern United States
Session Title: Valuing Community Cultural Wealth: Building on Family Language Policies and Knowledge for Learning
Paper Type: Paper
Presentation Date: 4/22/2022
Presentation Location: San Diego, California
Descriptors: Bilingual/Bicultural, Immigrants, Parental Involvement
Methodology: Qualitative
Author(s): Tsung-han Weng, University of Kansas
Unit: SIG-Bilingual Education Research
Abstract: This study explores how working-class and middle-class immigrant families’ FLP is planned, implemented, and developed from an ecological perspective by focusing on a Chinese immigrant community. Data were mainly from semi-structured interviews and were analyzed thematically. Findings showed that the immigrant families’ FLP can be classified as 1) organized HL learning of middle-class immigrant parents, 2) assimilative ideologies of middle-class immigrant parents, and 3) laissez-faire HL learning of working-class immigrant parents.