Citizen news content creation: Perceptions about professional journalists and the additive double moderating role of social and traditional media



Palabras clave:

Journalism, Citizen Journalism, Professional Journalism, News content creation, Perception, Social media use


Since the emergence and growing popularity of digital technologies and social media platforms, the relationship between professional and citizen journalism has been challenging. In recent years, however, this critical relationship has de-escalated due to a growing collaboration in shaping a complemental news repertoire. This study examines how social and traditional news use and users´ perceptions on professional journalism affect citizens´ news content creation. Based on survey data from Spain, we first find that social media use for news and users´ positive perceptions on professional journalism predict citizens´ news production behavior. Second, social media use for news and traditional media consumption are explored as additive moderators over the relationship of users´ perceptions on professional journalism on citizens´ news content creation, showing a positive significant effect. This study contributes to current conversations on the potential symbiotic association between professional and citizens journalism, arguing that citizens´ perceptual appraisals on professional journalism are key in fostering public´s participation through news content creation.


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Biografía del autor/a

Homero Gil de Zúñiga, Universidad de Salamanca (DRU), Spain; Pennsylvania State University, EUA; Universidad Diego Portales, Chile

Catedrático de Ciencias de la Comunicación


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Cómo citar

Goyanes, M., & Gil de Zúñiga, H. (2021). Citizen news content creation: Perceptions about professional journalists and the additive double moderating role of social and traditional media. Profesional De La información, 30(1).



Artí­culos de investigación / Research articles