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Сторінки: 194-197. Номер: №2, 2022 (307)  
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Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну
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SHCHERBAN Volodymyr Yu.,  KOLISKO Oksana Z., KOLISKO Marjana I., KIRICHENKO Anton N.
Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kyiv Professional College of Applied Sciences
 DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.31891/2307-5732-2022-307-2-194-197

Анотація мовою оригіналу

Комп’ютерна реалізація алгоритму рекурсії дозволяє на початковому етапі визначати натяг нитки, який виникає після проходження гребінчатого пристрою натягу системи подачі панчішних автоматів в залежності від фізико-механічних властивостей сировини, геометричних параметрів структурних елементів системи подачі нитки панчішних автоматів. Комп’ютерне визначення зміни відносного натягу на панчішних автоматах базується на використанні алгоритму дихотомії при розв’язанні трансцендентних рівнянь.
Ключові слова: алгоритм рекурсії, комп’ютерна програма, алгоритм рекурсії, система подача нитки, панчішний автомат.

  Розширена анотація англійською  мовою

Computer implementation of the recursion algorithm allows at the initial stage to determine the thread tension, which occurs after passing the comb tension device of the hosiery feed system depending on the physical and mechanical properties of raw materials, geometric parameters of structural elements of the hosiery thread feed system. Computer determination of the change in relative tension on stocking machines is based on the use of the dichotomy algorithm in solving transcendental equations.
Determining at the initial stage of the tension of the thread feed process on hosiery machines allows to determine the tension after passing the comb tensioning device, which will occur during the interaction of the thread with the structural elements of the cylindrical comb tension device depending on the type of raw material, curvature for bending, deformation in the area of ​​contact with the guide, the feed rate of the thread. The increase in tension after passing the comb tensioning device is due to the increase in friction between the thread and the cylindrical guide. This is due to the increase in the coverage angles of the cylindrical guide rods of the comb tensioning device. The development of a computer program for determining the tension of the thread on stocking machines should be based on the use of object-oriented programming languages. Determining the tension and changes in relative tension in the refueling zones of hosiery machines, taking into account the specifics of the design of the thread feed system of hosiery machines, will reduce thread breakage, optimize thread tension in the working area of ​​hosiery machines.
The improvement of the technological process of thread processing on hosiery machines should be based on theoretical and experimental studies of the process of interaction of threads with structural elements of the feed system, including comb tensioning device and guides of large and small curvature. The main element of the structural elements of the feed system of stocking machines is a comb device for tension. Theoretical dependences for determining the tension after the comb device will allow to obtain algorithmic and mathematical software, which is used in computer software to calculate the tension and change the relative tension in the areas of refueling stocking machines. Optimization of tension in the working area will reduce the change in relative tension in the refueling areas of hosiery machines, improve the quality of hosiery.
Keywords: recursion algorithm,  computer program, recursion algorithm, thread feed system, stocking machine.


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  7. Algorithmic, software and mathematical components of CAD in the fashion industry / V. Yu. Scherban, O.Z. Kolisko, M.I. Sholudko, V. Yu. Kalashnik. – К.: Education of Ukraine, 2017. – 745 p.
  8. Shcherban V. Warp yarn tension during fabric formation / V. Shcherban, G. Melnyk, M. Sholudko, V. Kalashnyk // Fibres and Textiles. – 2018. – volume 25. – №2. – PP.97-104.
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  3. Mathematical Models in CAD. Selected sections and examples of application / V. Yu. Scherban, S.M. Krasnitsky, V.G. Rezanov..-.K.:KNUTD, 2011. -220p.
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  5. Scherban V.Yu., Kalashnik V.Yu., Kolisko O.Z., Sholudko M.I.. Investigation of the influence of the thread material and the anisotropy of friction on its tension and the shape of the axisю // Herald of Khmelnytskyi National University. Technical sciences. – .2015.Volume 223. Issue 2. pp.25-29.
  6. Computer systems design: software and algorithmic components / V.Y. Shcherban, O.Z. Kolisko, G.V. Melnyk, M.I. Sholudko, V.Y. Kalashnik. – К.: Education of Ukraine, 2019. – 902 p.
  7. Algorithmic, software and mathematical components of CAD in the fashion industry / V. Yu. Scherban, O.Z. Kolisko, M.I. Sholudko, V. Yu. Kalashnik. – К.: Education of Ukraine, 2017. – 745 p.
  8. Shcherban V. Warp yarn tension during fabric formation / V. Shcherban, G. Melnyk, M. Sholudko, V. Kalashnyk // Fibres and Textiles. – 2018. – volume 25. – №2. – PP.97-104.
  9. Differential equations of the relative motion of the filament element on the end sections of the coil of the winding drum / I.A. Yakubitskaya, V.V. Chugin, V.Yu. Shcherban // Technology of the textile industry. – 1997. – №6. – P.50-54.


Post Author: Горященко Сергій
