Analysis of Abrasion in Coastal Areas of North Bengkulu Beach as Learning Material for Disaster Mitigation

Jenny Maya Yazalia (1) , Henny Johan (2) , Rendy W. Wardana (3)
(1) University of Bengkulu , Indonesia
(2) University of Bengkulu , Indonesia
(3) University of Bengkulu , Indonesia


The threat of disasters that often occur in coastal areas is seawater abrasion. One of the provinces in Indonesia which is located in the coastal region is Bengkulu with the area most prone to abrasion disaster is the North Bengkulu Regency. This study aims to describe the potential for abrasion in the North Bengkulu region based on the parameters of abrasion vulnerability. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method with literature studies. An abrasion potential analysis has been carried out based on the measurement of three parameters of abrasion susceptibility namely coastal morphology, soil structure and wave height. The results showed that the coastal morphology in the area of North Bengkulu Regency was strongly influenced by tectonic processes that occur due to subduction zone pressure. Coastal morphology in the form of steep cliffs, piles (stack), while on steep cliffs also formed beach caves. The soil structure on a coastal cliff shows that the dominant cliff is composed of sandstones, gravel, clay and alluvium. The difference in vertical rock resistance results in the beach being prone to abrasion. The wave height (swash) in the North Bengkulu regency is an average of 60 cm, although at certain locations the swash height reaches 85 cm. Thus, it can be concluded that the area of North Bengkulu regency is very potential for abrasion and efforts are needed to reduce it, one of the ways through disaster mitigation education.

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Jenny Maya Yazalia (Primary Contact)
Henny Johan
Rendy W. Wardana
Author Biography

Jenny Maya Yazalia, University of Bengkulu

S2 Pendidikan IPA Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Bengkulu

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