Evaluation of the efficiency of enterprises in the transition to alternative (helio) energy sources

Keywords: alternative (helio) energy sources, solar energy, industrial enterprises, enterprise efficiency, energy efficiency, energy saving, energy intensity


The aim of the article is to study the main approaches and develop a methodology for assessing the efficiency of enterprises in the transition to alternative (helio) energy sources. The concepts of the ʻenergy efficiencyʼ and the ʻenergy savingʼ are the main characteristics of efficient use of energy resources. The term "energy efficiency" is a resultant indicator that captures the achieved level of efficiency of consumption and use of fuel and energy resources in the process of enterprise activity. The concept of ʻenergy savingʼ is a process indicator that indicates the way to achieve energy efficiency (implementation of a set of measures) of resource conservation in the enterprise. It is established that the key indicator for assessing the efficiency of the energy consumption system is the energy intensity indicator, the reduction of which should be considered as one of the main tasks in order to increase the efficiency of the enterprise.

It is proved that the transition of an industrial enterprise to alternative (helio) energy sources is a guarantee of reducing its energy intensity. Therefore, the issues of implementation of energy saving programs are relevant for industrial enterprises. Energy saving measures will help reduce costs at the enterprise, conserve natural resources. The study found that solar energy in Ukraine in 2019 shows a bright positive trend. The ʻgreen tariffʼ was officially received by stations with a total capacity of 3537.382 MW, which is 5.48 times higher than in 2018. In 2019, the capacity of industrial solar power plants was put into operation 3.5 times more than in all previous years. The amount of electricity produced by industrial plants, in 2019, is 2.66 times higher than in 2018.

The transition to alternative energy sources for industrial enterprises is a rather complex technological task, which requires methodological developments for the optimization of energy resources to maximize the efficiency of enterprises. A method for assessing the efficiency of the enterprise in its transition to alternative (helio) energy sources based on the use of production functions and factor models, which include the entire evaluation apparatus and a set of indicators of efficiency (appropriateness) of resource use, i.e. resource conservation. This method of assessing the performance of the enterprise is based on the use of the Cobb-Douglas production function, which allows to justify the decision on the feasibility of the use of production resources and to adjust the deviations of the spent resources from the normative values.


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Author Biographies

Iryna Perevozova , Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University oil and gas

Doctor of Economics, professor, Head of the Department  of Entrepreneurship and Marketing

Tetiana Maksimenko, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University oil and gas

Postgraduate student of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Marketing

Svіtlana Bondarenko , The National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi

Doctor of Economics, Professor at the Department of Defense Management


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How to Cite
Perevozova , I., Maksimenko, T., & Bondarenko , S. (2020). Evaluation of the efficiency of enterprises in the transition to alternative (helio) energy sources. Social Development and Security, 10(4), 174-191. https://doi.org/10.33445/sds.2020.10.4.17