
The aerodynamic performance of the MW size wind turbine was studied by the wind tunnel test with scaled down model. The radius of the real scale blade was about 56 m and the corresponding Reynolds number at the blade tip was 3.6×106. The scaled down model used in wind tunnel test has a 1.1 m radius and the maximum Reynolds number achievable in the wind tunnel test was 0.1×106. The aerodynamic characteristics of the scaled down model by the Reynolds number was studied experimental method and computational method. The Reynolds number effect on the aerodynamic performance of the blade from 0.8×106 to 1.1×106 was tested by changing the rotational speed of the blade from 700 RPM to 900 RPM. The test results show that the power coefficient at 700 RPM was quite low and collapsed by comparison with the results at 800 RPM and 900 RPM. The wake measurement results show that there was a stall in the middle sections of the blade and this made the Cp collapse. The BEMT analysis for the scaled down model and real scale model were conducted and the correlation equation was induced from those results. The aerodynamic performance of the MW size wind turbine blade was estimated from the wind tunnel test results of the scaled down model with this correlation equation.


블레이드, 풍동시험, NREL Phase VI 로터


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