
Wind resource potential is calculated by multiplying an area where a wind farm can be developed by wind turbine capacity density. Therefore, the wind turbine capacity density of wind farms in Korea must be calculated precisely first, in order to accurately calculate wind resource potential in Korea. In the present study, of the 67 total wind farms in Korea, 18 wind farms were selected, all of which had a total installed capacity of 10 MW or higher and had more than 10 wind turbines. Wind turbine coordinates and wind farm areas were determined using Daum Map Skyview, facilitating the calculation of wind turbine capacity density and wind turbine spacing. The mean wind turbine capacity density of wind farms in Korea was calculated at 6.9±2.1 MW/km2, and the mean wind turbine spacing was calculated at 3.5D (D is a rotor diameter). In the future, when wind resource potential is calculated, the above values can be used to provide more realistic wind energy dissemination targets than it was previously possible.


풍력터빈 이격거리, 풍력터빈 용량밀도, 풍력자원 잠재량


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