
Offshore wind power is an industry that is difficult to cultivate without large-scale investment and technological and financial capabilities of the supply chain. Many European countries and China are promoting offshore wind power as one of the national growth engines. This is because the industrial ripple effect is high and the job creation effect is large. In 2016, Korea became an offshore wind power nation with the United States. It is not too late to be interested in cultivating offshore wind power industry, but the speed of cultivation is very slow. Through analysis of global offshore wind market trends, major implications are derived from the viewpoint of country, technology and player. Policy suggestions based on benchmark study of recent major European offshore wind countries are proposed that should be reflected in Korea in terms of 6 policy pillars from a macro perspective. Major European offshore wind power countries are trying to evolve its offshore wind power policy in the direction of government intervention, to reduce development risk and investment uncertainty. And macro directions on capability enhancement for the offshore wind power supply chain are suggested. Innovation points for the competitiveness of LCOE and offshore wind market trend through technological innovation are presented. Six pillars of comprehensive offshore wind power generation proposal have been suggested considering domestic reality. In the future, the author hopes that the detailed development strategies at the national level will be refined through discussions with many stakeholders.


기술혁신, 이해당사자, 발전차액지원제도, 균등화 발전 단가, 신재생에너지 공급인증서


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