
The Korean government announced a renewable energy target that is a 20 % share of renewables in theelectricity supply by 2030. This paper considered renewable energy scenarios for 2030 in Korea. Throughresource analysis and a siting study for solar and wind energy, the available capacity was estimated and newbusiness models were surveyed. Proper renewable energy scenarios were suggested considering the localdevelopment environment: resource potential, deployment experiences, environmental/grid constraints, etc. Solarpower would play a main role to meet the national renewable energy target at the early stage and wind powerwould supply a significant amount of electricity to the national grid in the long term. The main tasks foractivating the wind power supply chain in Korea, i.e., social acceptance, environmental regulations, siteplanning, grid integration, etc. are suggested.


재생에너지, 풍력에너지, 태양에너지, 변동성 재생에너지, 자원분석


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