
In this article, an investigation of small wind power in Korea is performed and suggestions for growth are presented. The first small-capacity wind turbine in Korea was installed in 1975, but so far only 13 wind turbines have received KS certification. In terms of the number of wind turbine manufacturers, only seven manufacturers have received KS certification. The cumulative capacity of small-capacity wind turbines in Korea by 2017 is known to be approximately 1.2 MW. In order to better understand the current situation of the domestic small wind market and manufacturers, surveys of small wind power companies participating in the research project “development of optimization engineering technology for small wind turbines” in Korea were conducted. Based on the survey, the competitiveness, economic feasibility, and difficulties of Korean small wind power companies were investigated and analyzed. The results of analysis are presented in the text along with suggestions for development.


소형풍력, 설문, 균등화발전원가, 발전원가


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