
In this paper, a resonance avoidance control algorithm was designed to suppress the resonance phenomenon acting on the tower of a semi-submersible wind power system. Floating wind systems have some parts that need to be redesigned due to interface problems between the floater and turbine. In particular, the resonance of the tower is a serious issue, and a tower redesign process is generally conducted. Since the target wind power system has operating point in which resonance easily occurs due to the frequency of wind, it is difficult to satisfy design life requirements. Therefore, in this study, DNV GL Bladed wind turbine design software was used to analyze the performance of the control algorithm in wind conditions that frequently produce resonance. The results showed that the maximum load and fatigue load of the bending moment in the side-side direction of the tower base were reduced by 21.84 % and 48.05 %, respectively.


공진회피, 제어, 반잠수식, 부유식 풍력터빈, 손상등가하중, 피로하중


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