
In this paper, a power control algorithm for a 30 kW horizontal-axis lift-type stall control wind turbine was developed. The control algorithm consists of three different control strategies for three different control regions. At a wind speed that is much lower than the rated wind speed, it uses a generator speed, generator torque lookup table to track the maximum power coefficient of the rotor. At a wind speed that is higher than the rated wind speed, multiple closed control loops are used to track the rated power. Also, a closed-loop control between the two control regions is used to maintain the rated speed of the rotor. The proposed control algorithm was validated by dynamic simulations using Bladed. Based on the simulation results, it was found that the proposed algorithm works properly in three control regions of the wind turbine. The proposed control algorithm is expected to increase the capacity factor of stall-regulated small wind turbines.


최대 출력점 추종, 스톨 풍력 터빈, 출력 유지, 스톨 블레이드


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