
Multi-culturism is an inevitable phenomenon in the modern world. When it comes to the missiological realm, this becomes a relevant issue. Especially in a place like South Africa where whites and blacks live together, this issue is more crucial than in other places around the globe. A more critical question is how to solve multi-cultural issues missiologically in the midst of different people groups. This paper provides an example for proclaiming the gospel effectively in a multi-cultural setting. It deals with potential issues that may rise from multi-ethnic characteristics within churches in South Africa where the majority of church members consist of whites and blacks. Also, it seeks potential answers for the addressed issues. In the first part of the paper, it deals with concepts and various theories concerning ethnicity. Sociologically, ethnicity is categorized according to language, geography, and skin color but a key theme that should not be neglected is that ethnicity is a creation of God. There are two main streams regarding ethnicity. First is primordialist theory, which argues that identity is fixed, and the other is constructivism, which claims that ethnic identity is flexible in that it can be modified along the flow of history. In the middle part of the paper, biblical concepts of ethnicity and the evaluation of theories of ethnicity are introduced. Based on Gen. 10, Ex. 22, the Gospels, and Acts 10 and 15, the author argues that diversity of ethnicity is the creation of God rather than a curse, and both primordialist and constructivism approaches coexist in the bible. Distinguished from primordialist and constructivism approaches, the last part of the paper introduces a third approach based on universal equity principal that may enhance the possibility of accepting Zulu cultural aspects among white congregations when a culturally sensitive message is proclaimed. As examples, the tribal system and creation order, the tomb and resurrection of Jesus, and Jesus as the mediator are explained. This paper is a suitable topic for dealing with ethnic issues within a multi-ethnic church, especially in the context of South Africa’s post-apartheid era. This paper also focuses on finding characteristics of one culture to connect with another culture utilizing the general equity principle with an attempt to avoid syncretism while preserving the core message of the Bible. It is expected that this paper will provide effective insights not only in South African church settings but in many mission fields and in diverse cultural settings where missionaries and native Christians are seeking for a harmony that is grounded on a biblical foundation.


Ethnicity, Zulu, General Equity, Contextualization, Ancestor worship, Diversity


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