
(Background and Purpose)With the paradigm shift of the industrial society, the competitiveness and cultural value of the countries, cities and regions are picking up more attention. This is due to the growing desire for cultural fulfillment and quality of life in modern people and the growing interest in local settlement environment and place that can satisfy them. Therefore, to have locally cultural uniqueness and competitiveness, local governments are having interest over the strategy of “Place Marketing” through cultivating cultural identity. In the modern society, culture and place are important, and the eco museum is introduced as a key means of regional activation strategy, showing various achievements of local value enhancement. The purpose of this study is to identify the value of eco museum in terms of location marketing that can enhance differentiated regional image by preserving and developing local heritage. (Method)The concept and characteristics of the local cultural space and the eco museum are examined to understand the eco museum‘s strategical effectiveness. In order to emphasize the constructed place, five element of eco museum are derived from applying the “Place Marketing“ strategy, and four elements of sustainable space composition are proposed to maintain the highlighted property of place. We analyze the domestic and international success stories based on the factors related to the place of locality derived from the above and verify the value of the eco museum. (Results)First, I found out the majority of the eco museums are aware of the fact that they have created the places with the well-preserved of local tangible and intangible heritage, the active participation of local residents, the network led by them, and research activities. Second, the eco museum, which uses the “Place Marketing“ strategy, not only promotes local culture but also promotes local economy, thereby creating a synergy effect on regional development and underlining the importance of the place. Third, sustainable characteristics of eco museum strengthen its locality by creating charming space that engenders atmosphere suitable for exchange of feelings, communicate, share common thoughts and experiences with the people around them. (Conclusions)In this study, the eco museum for the continuous innovation of the local culture has led to find the identity of the local and local residents, better off the local economy by creating jobs and promoting regional tourism, the education of the local people and culture. As a result, social, cultural, economic and environmental values are enhanced. The eco museum is an cultural space and a communication platform that links people and space to discover the potential value inherent in the place, create new value, and connect the present to the future roots in the past. Creating such future-oriented region will serve as another form of communal development, and serve as a cultural asset to strengthen city and national competitiveness.


Eco Museum, Activate regional culture, Locality, Place marketing, Sustainability


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