
The shamanistic-ecological imagination of Kim is at the head of the history of Korean modern shamanistic-ecological poetics. Kim's ecological poetics focuses on the spirituality. The shamanistic spirituality has been suppressed by the modern natural science and the reason. Kim embodies the shamanistic spirit of the self. The shamanistic self communes with the spirit of the cosmos. The self experiences the feeling of union with the life of the cosmos. Kim describes the nature filled with the spirits. Various spiritual beings wander the nature. And the nature is also a spiritual body in Kim's poetry. The spirit means the life of the nature and the cosmos. Kim's shamanistic-ecological imagination show the spiritual solidarity of the self and the nature. The imagination boosts the awe and respect for the nature.


김소월, 샤머니즘 생태학적 상상력, 영성, 샤먼적 자아, 우주의 영성, 영적 연대, 자연의 생명


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